Update history
December 8th 2010
Due to legal developments another change proved necessary: page "H" of the image gallery is gone.
May 5th 2008
What do you know: the complete revamp actually happened! However, I decided to freeze the site content-wise (except for updating the links and availability info) and only replace the worst graphical sins, the background images, with a stylish "old document" look. In order to make that work reliably, I ended up having to convert all pages to valid XHTML. Finally, now have a personal homepage at a different domain: brazzy.de. Therefore, I moved my anime sites to subdomains. The URL is different now, but you've been redirected automatically.
Well, that's it. "A Homepage for Elektra" was originally made on an Amiga home computer at a time when only tech geeks had internet connections, and the anime (VHS, DVD was yet to come) and manga available in the west could almost be counter on your fingers. A lot has happened since then, but this website will stay the way it is.
March 5th 2008
Moved the site to a new hosting service and used the occasion to remove the Java applet (what was I thinking...) and add a favicon. Maybe now I'll even find the time to give it a complete revamp!
January 8th 2002
Fixed some broken external links and removed others.
December 21st 2001
Since Nadia is seeing a re-run in a good time slot in Germany, this site could exceed its bandwidth limit eventually. This gave me the idea of joining the Amazon associates program to hopefully make some money out of it.
May 22nd 2001
There's finally a full-fledged bilingual DVD release of Nadia in the US!
March 30th 2001
Added a link to a new Italian Nadia site. Seems that the anime is becoming really popular in Italy...
January 14th 2001
As you probably have noticed by now, I finally have my own domain and moved this page there! Please update your bookmarks and links. While I was moving, I added about 20 images to the gallery, replaced some old one with better copies and restructured the gallery completely (it is generated by a script now because the manual updating was a pain in the ass), which means that many links on this page are now broken. Since I have a bit more space now, I also added Elektra's image song! And of course I checked the links again, and added new ones for a general Nadia site, another general Nadia site and a Grandis shrine.
February 22nd 2000
Great news!
AD Vision recently announced
on their website that they will finally start releasing Nadia in the US! Read more on their page
or my information page.
I also looked through the links to update/remove dead ones and add a new one.
December 2nd 1999
Once again, I restructured the image gallery a bit to fit in some new images; these are on page 6 of the image gallery. I also added a link to a beautiful new Nadia site.
July 17th 1999
This time, I did a major checking of the links page, removed or replaced some dead links, corrected links to sites that moved and added two new links: Neo Atlantis and Héritiers d'une Planéte.
July 12th 1999
Again an even longer time between updates... This time, I added a new image by TSURUTA Kenji to page five and a couple of doujinshi scans to page H of the image gallery. I also put the explanation of doujinshi to its own section and rewrote the explanations for Gainax and Evangelion a bit, since I'm not anymore quite as enthusiastic about EVA as I was before I saw the sorry excuse for an ending (yes, I do know the movie version).
January 5th 1999
After a long time, finally another update. I removed the links to the MPEG songs and the video clips since the servers don't anymore offer anonymous FTP. I also added three new images to page five of the image gallery, thanks to Koichi Nakayasu and Martin Lucaszek.
September 9th 1998
There's a new link to the homepage of the Anime no Tomodachi. Some broken links were repaired or substituted and there's now a link to the AnimeGER FAQ instead of a "mailto" link. I also updated the page about myself a bit and at the end of the explanation of Anime, I replaced the agressive passage with a quote that makes the point even better. Most importantly, I added four new images, one of the Picture Mook Set that I missed when Olaf posted it and some scans of LD covers and inserts that I did myself.
July 8th 1998
Big news! (AD Vision has acquired the rights to "Nadia"!). Paying respect to that, I have added their website to the linklist and removed the Link to the fansub distributor. There's also a new link to a Nadia of the Day website.
May 25th 1998
I found much larger and more detailed versions of three images from the Alpha artbook for the gallery (first, second, third). New links: Inoue Kikuko's personal homepage and a site about Nadia's nipples.
April 21st 1998
Thanks to a custom-made filter done by Stephan and Thomas Henker, most of the noise is now gone from the TV screenshots in the gallery! I was also able to add important new information to Kikuko Inoue's biography.
March 17th 1998
Added a lot of new images from CD inserts and an artbook! Some are really great! And someone put together the images of Elektra lying in her bed.
January 12th 1998
I finally found someone who could tell me the name of Elektra's German voice actress. And I now know more about the LD extras. I have a transcript of extra #9, "In search of that lost time..."!
December 8th 1997
Beefed up the linklists, made them real (unordered) lists and deleted some broken links.
November 25th 1997
After getting more RAM for my Amiga, I could finally put together the complete version of natv2215.jpg from the half-frames. And there are two completely new images in the gallery!
November 12th 1997
After registering the counter I now also have a guestbook. So please write something into it! And I found a Korean Nadia homepage.
November 5th 1997
Deleted the dead link to the French Nadia webpage and added one with songs of Kikuko Inoue.
November 2nd 1997
Finally changed to another counter service that hopefully is more reliable. I also corrected the wrong birthdate of Kikuko Inoue. Thanks to CuSO4 for pointing out the error to me!
October 17th 1997
Made the bullets in the index clickable, added flags to the "extras" section and moved the link to the Berkeley FTP server from there to the links page.
October 10th 1997
Those who use Java can now play with that cool Lens Applet on the index page!
October 6th 1997
Added a section about "Gunbuster" to the explanations section and "Die Physik von Gunbuster" to the links page.
October 1st 1997
Cosmetical beef-up for much of the site: Rearrangement of the index (with graphical bullets), nicer images for the national flags and I corrected all the wrong genitives (with "'s") on the German pages.
September 29th 1997
Added graphics and sound to "Elektra's Story". It's real "multimedia" now, so I put it on the main index page. Got a new "mailto:" icon. Made the update history a separate page.
September 22nd 1997
Minor corrections in "the series" and "explanations". And I found again the essay "Alone but not lonely"!
September 15th 1997
Added a not yet complete version of the missing image in the gallery.
September 4th 1997
Started the update history. Added a second page about Kikuko Inoue to the links page. Good news about Nadia in Deutschland!
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