These people helped me in one way or the other with the creation of this page:
Christian Hunyar
He put the most work into this site (except for myself). One fateful day on the AnimeGer mailinglist, he offered to do screengrabs of his Nadia tapes. And he did not withdraw, even when I came up with a wishlist of 198 images! The result can be seen in the image gallery.
Olaf Patzen
He did many of the artbook scans in the image gallery, some of them even especially for me. It seems to be one of his hobbies to buy heaps of artbooks, scan all the good pictures in them and post them to alt.binaries.pictures.anime. Many of his scans can be found on the Berkeley FTP server.
Stephan and Thomas Henker
For doing a good retouching job on some of the images and developing a filter that removed almost all the noise from the TV series screenshots!
Rudi Napieralski
For a couple of intensive scanning sessions during which we could finally prove that a human can beat a computer on its own turf - sometimes.
Timo Jantunen
He made the transcript of the LD extra #9, "In search of that lost time...".
Koichi Nakayasu
Lent me a Nadia CD-ROM from which several of the images in the gallery are.
Martin Lukaszek
Did a pixel-by-pixel conversion of one of the sketches from the "Portraits" artbook to a "real" CG image.
Taro Rehrl
He did the scans from the "Bye Bye Blue Water" CD booklet.
Christof Weber
Lent me the wonderful "Portraits" Artbook from which some of the scans are.
Blasius Riz
For lending me his Sadamoto "Alpha" artbook (which is the source for three of the most beautiful images in the gallery) as well as his collection of "Animerica" (for research about Gainax).
Ute Thalheim
She told me the name of Elektra's German voice actress.
Because they brought "Nadia" to germany. Otherwise I might still not know that series today (terrible thought)! Even if it was only the luck of the ignorant: thank you!
And of course the biggest "Thank you!" goes to:
Anno-sama, Sadamoto-sama and all the other animation and storytelling geniuses at Gainax for creating "Nadia" and other wonderful anime!
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