Here's a list of more or less relevant hyperlinks:
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mark the languages the page is written in.
Elektra Links
Inoue Kikuko page at Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu database
A page with information about Elektra-chan's seiyuu.
Inoue Kikuko's personal Homepage
Inoue-san's own homepage! Of course it's all in Japanese...
The Opera
Information about the opera "Elektra" by Richard Strauss.
Other Nadia Links
AD Vision's Homepage
The company that releases the entire "Nadia" series in the USA.
Studio Ponytail
A Japanese homepage, apparently made by a music studio that was involved with the Nadia soundtrack.
Nadia and the Secret of Blue Water
A very well designed homepage about Nadia that has lots of images of various Nadia merchandise.
Tamarro Forever's Nadia Site
An extensive Nadia homepage with lots of information. Especially interesting: the text of most LD-Extras!!
Other Gainax Links
GAINAX Homepage
The Homepage of Gainax, makers of Nadia!
Wings of Honneamise
A page with information about the first big project of studio Gainax, "The Wings of Honneamise" aka "Royal Space Force". If you don't know it yet, then you've missed a piece of anime history!
A homepage about "Gunbuster" aka "Aim for the Top", another creation of Gainax.
Evangelion Homepage
A very extensive Homepage dedicated to studio Gainax's great anime series: "Shin Seiki Evangelion". It has everything the EVA fan needs, including reports on the two movies.
More (uncommented and not all anime-relevant) links can be found in my bookmarks file.
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